Zhenyu is now a Professor at the Zhejiang University of Technology. He was a postdoc under the supervision of Prof. Rajiv Ranjan School of Computing, Newcastle University. He received my Ph.D. from Newcastle University in 2016, supervised by Prof. Paul Watson and Prof. Alexander Romanovsky.
He is interested in building efficient, reliable, and intelligent computer systems. His current research focuses on AI systems, cloud computing, big data system, and IoT areas that require the design of data-intensive systems (including machine learning systems), distributed systems, networked systems, and energy efficiency systems. He has published 40 papers in many top venues including ACM Computing Survey, TPDS, VLDB, TC.
He received the IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing. (Early Career Researchers) in 2020 for contributions on scalable data management for the internet-of-things.
Research Interests
Big data processing
Distributed system
Computer network
Resource allocation
Stream processing
Machine learning system
Job Experience
Professor (June. 18, 2021 - present)
Zhejiang University of Technology.
Research Associate (July. 1, 2018 - April. 1, 2021)
Flood-PREPARED, Newcastle University.
Research Associate (Jan. 1, 2017 - Jun. 30, 2018)
NMaaS, University of Edinburgh.
Research Associate (Oct. 1, 2015 - Dec. 31, 2016)
SmartSociety, University of Edinburgh.
Last modified 2022-2-6.